Friday, November 30
Tuesday, November 27
رد درد
... قبول...
ولی بعدش چی؟
این رد درد عاشق نبودن رو چی کار باید کرد؟
نباید جایی خطی کشید ازش؟
پ.ن: من اصلا عاشق ِ نوشتن نیستم! حتی عاشق ِ گفتن! نباید دنبال دلیل عاشقانه ای برای نوشتنم بود... شاید "سه حرف درد"...هر دردی... همینه دلیل نوشتنم
Sunday, November 25
Foot Shaking
One of the distractions which may prevent your relaxation while you are trying to sleep at a meeting is a shaking foot in your eye-reach area.
Today I suffered a lot from such a dis-ease which prevented me from sleeping at the conference, so instead of sleeping I had to think and organize my mind about the reasons and processes of foot shaking.
The contagious characteristic of this common dis-ease, makes it as prevalent as the sleepy members of any gathering.
Why foot shaking is contagious?
From the point of etiology, When person A as a foot shaker (the source of the dis-ease in a gathering) prevents the sleep of person B as a bored person who tries to sleep, person B gets nervous and starts to calm down him/herself by foot shaking and as a result becomes the next feet shaker and a probable source of the dis-ease.
From another point of etiology (!), we can analyze person A as a dis-ease spreader.
Why person A continues shaking foot?
1) Person A can stop the action, but A somehow benefits from this action just at the moment and so prefers to continue it as long as the benefits are yielded (which brings the question that which benefits are there in foot shaking?).
2) Person A can not stop the action, since it’s a habit of person A (which brings the question that WHY foot shaking becomes a habit?).
Now we are going to study each of these states:
Which benefits are there in foot shaking?
The reason for any activity is satisfying a kind of need which may bring a kind of joy, or make the continuity of a joy possible in a way. So, is foot shaking enjoyable? I can surely say YES. Whether the foot shaker is aware or not, whether the person does it with conscious or not, surely the person IS enjoying. This enjoyment may be used to soothe something joyless or even harming, or just to make the person high!
In the case of a gathering, the situation could be boring, nerve-racking, stressful or even exciting. When the situation is boring and the person has no way to get rid of it (can not go out, can not sleep, can not stop or change the situation), it becomes nerve-racking which is just the second situation. The person tries to suppress the situation and find a remedy for the damage of it by foot shaking.
Even excitement can be a main cause for foot shaking. Motion is a way to release the additional energy of the body. When the person is sitting on a chair for a while, and there is a source of a kind of excitement (the lecture, the lecturer, or a hot person sitting in neighborhood or in the eye-vision (!), or even the individual’s physiology at that moment), body finds a way to release the high excessive energy which is just foot shaking. Actually, this release of the energy can be considered as the main reason of foot shaking. Since getting bored or nervous or stressful could be other kinds of the energy imbalance of the body.
Why foot shaking becomes a habit?
The answer of this question is just like the answer of this question for any habit: Because the person experiences the situation very frequently.
Which means the person is frequently in one or some or all of the situations mentioned in the previous answer.
I would like to end this lecture with addressing the differences of foot shaking in male and female foot shakers!
Foot shaking in Males:
One of the most common positions of foot shaking in males is moving the thighs in a horizontal plane toward each other and then in the opposite direction, like rubbing or catching SOMETHING and then dropping it!
The other frequent position is shaking the thighs in a vertical plane with the help of paws, which is like pushing SOMETHING and then pulling it back!
Foot shaking in Females:
Females work with the surface of one of their feet. They may tap on the ground or may play the foot around in the air while they have put the playing foot on the other foot! The action causes the tension of the skin from the paw to the very end of the foot!
Friday, November 23
just teeth
Liv: She’s double happy, double sad, double excited, double awake, double needy… well, no, triple needy, actually
Will: I’ve got a criminal mind. Lots of wanting to be bad. See an ass, want to bite it. I just never do.
Sandy: Good. Good. But what you don’t know is there is a straight line from moral to the criminal. And you crossed the moral-criminal divide. Wanting to bite an ass is a moral issue, and then only if the ass belongs to someone who objects to the idea, the criminal would be biting the ass without permission.
Will: You're such a lawyer
Sandy: Yeah
Will: Anyway, then what?
Sandy: Than what what?
Will: You bite the ass, then what?
Sandy: Well, then... they bite yours. It’s the theory. It’s so long since I’ve bitten or been bit. It’s good to talk about that.
Will: Hi, I’m sorry.
Liv: You smell of perfume.
Will: No, I don’t know how I do.
Liv:Nor do I.
Will: I love you.
Liv:Is that an answer?
Will: It’s the truth. What do you need? What do you want ever? I feel as if I’m tapping on a window. You’re somewhere behind the glass, But you can’t hear me. Even when you’re angry like now, it’s like someone a long, long way away from me is angry with me.
Liv: Well, glass is better than ice, which is where we were earlier. Sweden, ice, depression, the high rate of suicide? I never get close to anybody who didn’t want to talk about that. Or free love…
Will: It feels a long long long way, right now, from where it needs to be. I wish we could unsay and unhurt back to wherever that is, and start again.
Liv: And how far back?
Will: I remember you bit me. You were angry with me and you bit me. I don’t remember why.
Liv: I don’t know why either, but I remember I bit you.
Will: You really bit me. And I thought we were very close. We were.

Will: If you could do anything right now, what would it be?
Amira: I have to work, I have to get back.
Will: Oh, come on.
Amira: Let me think, I don’t know, uh… Change everything up until this moment. Uh, not my son, everything else.
Will: I can’t do that for you.
Amira: You didn’t say what could you do. What would I do is what you said, not what you could do.
Will: What could I do?
Amira: Why?... I don’t understand…
Will: I don’t understand, either.
Amira: If I had a magic wand, I don’t know, persuade my son to come to Sarajevo with me, start a new life.
Amira: And you… If you could do anything right now, what would you do?

Amira: Which of us is lying the most?
Will: About what?
Amira: It’s not even the right question. Which of us is lying to themselves the most?
Will: What?
Amira: About this.
Sunday, November 18
نوستالژیا در مدرنیته؟
اگه گلدون کریستالی توی اتاقت شکست و جای خالیش به چشم اومد و نتونستی چیزی بخری و جاش بذاری یا هیچ چیز جاشو پر نمیکرد، باید دکوراسیون رو عوض کنی تا نبینی جای خالیشو... تا به چشم نیاد
اگه خیلی مدرن باشی، حتی بدون گذاشتن چیزی جاش، حتی بدون تغییر دکوراسیون، نظم جدیدی تعریف میکنی
سر هم؟
یعنی چی؟
Thursday, November 15
عروس سه ساله
و میروم که بیخیال بخندم و باد کنم ششهای تهی بودنم را از هوای فراموشی
و تا برمیگردم، باز بهانه میشود سوزن مرگی و مچاله میشوم خالی
عروس سه سالهای، زن شصت سالهای، مادر همه سالهای تنهاییاش، امروز خلاص شد از تقدیر ورم کردهی بودنش
زن تنهای ضمخت تلخ پیری بود با سایهی تازهی سه سالهی پیرمردی بر سرش... در بستر خاک آرام گیرد ای کاش
دلم میسوخت و نداشت تاب شنیدن درشتی نالهها و نفرینها و دردهاش را... دلم میسوخت و گوش نمیسپرد به صدای جویدن بدیهاش در دهان این و آن
فقط چشم میگردانم و هی میچرخانم و باز باید بگردانم
خستهام از تماشا
Saturday, November 3
Thursday, November 1
هزار و یک روز
تا چشامو باز میکنم می پره روی سرم که یالا یالا بقیهی قصه
گیج میمونم کمی که کجای قصه بودم؟
بلند میشم که باقی قصهرو ببافم براش
وقت وبیوقت هم فکر میکنم کجا و چطور تموم کنم قصهرو براش