Yesterday was full of symmetric times. 11:11, 12:12, 13:31, 15:51, … I knew something is to happen. And it was watching this movie:
Agnes dies at the beginning of the drama. Yet she is not dead. She is lying in the room, in her bed; she calls out to the others, the tears streaming down her cheeks. Take me! Keep me warm!
Agnes: the dying one
Maria: The most beautiful one
Karin: The strongest one
Anna: The serving one
Agnes’ diary: It’s early Monday morning, and I’m in pain.

Doctor: Look at yourself in the mirror. You are beautiful…perhaps so more than in our time. But you’ve changed. I want you to see that you’ve changed. These days you cast rapid, calculating sidelong glances. Your gaze used to be direct, open, without any disguise. Your mouth has an expression of discontent and hunger. It used only to be soft. Your complexion has become pallid. You use make-up. Your fine, broad forehead now has four creases above each eyebrow. You can’t tell in this light, though you can in daylight.

Maria: Do you see all that?
Doctor: No, but I feel it when you kiss me.
Priest: If it be that you gathered our suffering in your poor body and have borne it with you through death… If it be that you meet God, there, in that other land…if it be that He turns His face towards you… if it be that you will know the language of Our Lord… if it be that you can speak to the Lord… if it be so : pray for us… pray for us who are left on this dark and dirty earth… beneath an empty and cruel sky. Lay your burden of suffering at the Lord’s feet… and ask Him to pardon us. Ask Him to set us free at last from our anxiety… our weariness and our profound doubt. Ask Him for a meaning to our lives.
Karin: It’s nothing but a tissue of lies. All of it… Nothing but a tissue of lies… A tissue of lies…

Karin: It’s true. I have… Many times… Considered taking my life… It’s disgusting… It’s degrading… It is… invariably the same. … My husband says I’m clumsy. He’s right… I’m awkward. My hands are too big, you see… They won’t obey me.

There’s no mercy, no relief… No help, Nothing… And I see it all, nothing escapes me. Now you hear what it sounds like when Karin speaks.

Anna: Can’t you hear? Someone’s crying, can’t you hear? Someone’s crying all the time.

A tissue of lies…
I'm in right position?
اعظم خان چطوره؟
والا چه عرض کنم!
موش آدم خوار:
ولی فکر نمی کنم چیزیش به شما برسه! :D
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