Tuesday, January 3

Did, Do

just a few years ago,
I needed strong reasons to stop loving people,
and now
I need strong reasons to start loving them..............


Anonymous said...

سلام سعیده. وبلاگت رو خوندم. دختر تو خوبی؟

SAM said...

salam pari........................

Anonymous said...

as I remember,u always love people...u'r the sensitive doughter of MAMAN.....it can justify every thing......

Anonymous said...

اصلا ريزن ميزن لازم نداره! منت كشي نيست اين متاع زوري هم نيست واسه استارت خوردنش بايد بنشيني روي يك سنگ سخت و سرد و بزرگ زير يك درخت تا بيايد البته نشستن نه براي انتظار براي خستگي در كردن تقلاهايي كه نبايد و كرده ايم

SAM said...

same nature and same destiny?

u may be right or wrong....any way i just live my life.... i rest when i need, i love when i feel, i pass when i should..........there isn't any fixed picture that i try to reach it...................i don't feel any obligation to find love, as u said..., SO i won't do or leave any practice just in order to find and feel it.......
i don't think that a fresh body or soul is enough or necessary to love people.................